Podcast consumption in the United Kingdom (UK) 2024, by device
The device most commonly used to listen to podcasts in spring 2024 in the United Kingdom (UK) was the smartphone as 78 percent of podcast listening time was via smartphones. Laptops were the second most used device, with 11 percent of podcast listening time.
What do people do while listening to podcasts?
Podcasts have become extremely popular in the UK in recent years. But what are people doing while they listen? Most people listen to podcasts while driving/travelling, and many also just listen while relaxing or doing nothing in particular.
Podcasts still not the most listened to audio
Although podcasts have gained popularity, they’re still not the most listened to audio. Live radio and TV viewing are the most common types of audio that people listen to weekly. The most positively rated radio and podcasts in the UK include Desert Island Discs and Ken Bruce on BBC Radio 2.